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Shoulder Pain in Thunder Bay

older man showing shoulder painWhether due to a sports injury, auto accident, repetitive strain or referred pain from the neck, shoulder pain can sideline people from what they need to do and what they love to do in life. At Santin Chiropractic, we take a comprehensive approach to tackle all aspects of shoulder discomfort.

We can address the following:

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Acute sports injuries
  • Chronic repetitive strain
  • Motor vehicle accident injuries
  • Chronic shoulder pain due to calcific tendinitis

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A Comprehensive Assessment

The first step toward relief and healing is a thorough evaluation, including a detailed history, orthopedic, and neurological examinations. We take X-rays of the neck and shoulder to identify underlying issues. This comprehensive assessment ensures that we craft the most effective and personalized treatment plan, which may include both chiropractic and laser therapy.

right arm raise

Help for Frozen Shoulder

A common shoulder issue we see at the practice is frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis. This condition is common primarily amongst females. Our experience is that the sooner the shoulder is worked on, the less likely it develops into frozen shoulder.

When patients do present with a full blown frozen shoulder, laser therapy is extremely beneficial. It brings light to the tissue to bring blood flow and reduce inflammation. Laser therapy also helps to gradually improve mobility in the shoulder, upper back and regain strength and full range of motion to that shoulder joint over time.

Lifestyle Habits to Promote Long-Term Relief

Recovery doesn’t end with care at our practice. We empower you with targeted exercises and lifestyle recommendations to enhance your healing process. The exercises progress from no equipment and basic mobility to adding in banded exercises to improve mobility and strength and eventually to hand weights and more dynamic exercises.

Book an Appointment

Don’t let shoulder pain limit your life. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive evaluation with Dr. Carla, Dr. Angelo or Dr. Carlee and take the first step toward pain-free living.


Shoulder Pain Thunder Bay, ON | (807) 344 4606